
Energy, Environment & Land Use Program

Section Contents

About Us

The Energy, Environment & Land Use Program (EELU) provides an extensive and rigorous curriculum and extracurricular opportunities for students with an interest in practicing in these intersecting areas of the law. Environmental issues do not respect academic disciplinary boundaries, and the EELU Program and its faculty are leaders in developing interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and researching energy, environmental, and land use topics.

Sally Shallenberger Brown

The Sally Shallenberger Brown EELU Program Fund

In 2021, the EELU Program received a substantial new gift to establish an endowment and support faculty, research, course development, lectureships, and the program's general growth. The Sally Shallenberger Brown EELU Program Fund was endowed in honor of Sally Shallenberger Brown, a pioneering conservationist and ardent environmentalist. With that gift, the EELU Program is continuing to grow and innovate.

Opportunities in school and beyond

Our faculty work across disciplines to teach about, research, and address the most challenging energy, environment, and land use issues of the day. EELU faculty and students also collaborate with the new Vanderbilt Center for Sustainability, Energy and Climate and the social and behavioral scientists in the Climate Change Research Network, which conducts theoretical and applied research on one of the most important and most widely overlooked sources of greenhouse gases: individual and household behavior. The EELU Program's white paper series offers students a unique opportunity to research emerging energy and climate change challenges with faculty supervision.

Program News