2025 Commencement

Vanderbilt will celebrate Commencement for the J.D. and LL.M. Classes of 2025 on May 8 and 9, 2025

The Hooding Ceremony will be held Friday, May 9 at 11AM on Curry Field.

commencement class photo

Detailed info coming soon!

We will update the schedule of events and further information when it is made publicly available. Students will receive an update when the information is ready.

Law and Business Certificate CeremonyThursday, May 8, 2-3:00 p.m.Law School 2nd Floor North Lobby
Public Interest & Legal Clinic CelebrationThursday, May 8, 2-3:00 p.m. Law School Library
LL.M. Toast to Class of 2025Thursday, May 8, 2:30-3:00 p.m. Cowden Atrium
Open House for Graduates and GuestsThursday, May 8, 3-4:30 p.m.Law School Main Street, North Atrium and Blackacre Courtyard
LL.M. Class of 2025 Class PhotoFriday, May 9 at 9:20 a.m.Front steps of the Law School
J.D. Class of 2025 Class PhotoFriday, May 9 at 9:40 a.m.Front steps of the Law School
Law School Processional Line UpFriday, May 9 at 10:30 a.m.Begins at V Door patio of Law School
Law School Hooding CeremonyFriday, May 9 at 11:00 a.m.Curry Field
Champagne CelebrationImmediately following the Commencement ceremonyCurry Field

Graduation Requirement Reminder

The Career Services Department distributes a Graduate Employment Survey to all J.D. students during the spring semester of their 3L year. This survey must be completed by the stated deadline. Students will receive approval of submission from the Career Services Department.

The American Bar Association requires every law school report on employment of graduates at the time of graduation. Please take a moment to complete the Graduate Employement Survey in Symplicity by Tuesday, April 1, 2025. If you have any questions or problems, please contact Christy Biggs.


  • Where do I find information on the University ceremony?

    Find more information on the University wide Commencement page.

  • How do I order regalia?

    Students can order regalia through the Vanderbilt Commencement site.

  • Do I need tickets? How many people can attend?

    You do not need tickets. The law school hooding ceremony is open to the public. There is no limit to the number of guests who can attend the ceremony.

  • Is seating reserved?

    No. All seats are first-come/first-served. We recommend that guests arrive early.

  • What happens if there is inclement weather?

    The ceremony will take place under a tent. It will be held even if it is raining, although heavy rain may necessitate canceling the procession. If there is a threat of severe weather nearby, the ceremony may be delayed. If the severe weather persists, the ceremony will take place inside the Law School building, and guests will watch a livestream.

  • Where should I park?

    The Vanderbilt University Commencement site will provide full parking details once available. 

  • Will the events be accessible?

    All events will be accessible for those needing mobility accommodations. If you have specific accessibility needs, a form will be available soon on the Commencement website.

  • Will there be a professional photographer?

    Yes. Vanderbilt Law School will have a photographer taking candid photos of 2025 Commencement.

    Vanderbilt University also arranges for an external vendor to take portraits of each graduate onstage receiving his or her diploma, and a link that allows graduates to locate and purchase their Commencement portraits will be posted on the University Commencement website soon after Commencement day.

  • Can I order announcements to give to family and friends?

    Yes, you can order official university Commencement announcements through Herff-Jones.