Grace Renshaw
Morgan Ricks and co-author Lev Menand propose “digital money” as a fast, low-cost way to distribute emergency aid in Bloomberg Finance
Their column, "Let's Pay the Stimulus in Digital Dollars," touts the advantages of a "digital dollar" in allowing for faster distribution of stimulus funds, supporting social distancing, reducing the cost of distributing funds to recipients, and eliminating check-cashing costs and other fees for recipients who don't have bank accounts. Read MoreApr. 20, 2020
W. Kip Viscusi featured on Planet Money podcast addressing “Lives vs. the Economy”
In a discussion with Planet Money hosts Sarah Gonzalez and Kenny Malone, Professor Viscusi applies his research on the value of reducing risks to life to two pressing questions: "Is it worth it to shut down the economy to save lives?" Or "Should we let people die to save the economy?" He talks about how he came up with a value for a human life and how that value could inform decisions about when to reopen the economy. Viscusi co-directs the Ph.D. in Law and Economics program. Read MoreApr. 20, 2020
VLS Pro Bono Spring Break team works at Mississippi Center for Justice
Students worked in an expungement clinic, investigated policing practices to support impact litigation, researched the criminalization of HIV and supported other legal advocacy initiatives. Read MoreApr. 15, 2020
Ganesh Sitaraman proposes a “war production board” for coronavirus testing in co-authored Boston Globe opinion piece
Sitaraman and co-authors Julius Krein and E. Glen Weyl propose the formation of a Pandemic Testing Board tasked with scaling up production, coordination and deployment of COVID-19 tests. The board's mission would be to increase the supply of tests and to launch a Pandemic Response Corps of civilians trained to administer them. Read MoreApr. 13, 2020
Hannah Martins Miller ’20 receives Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center Leadership Award
Miller was recognized for her leadership in activities that contribute to the achievements, interests and goals of women or that promote gender equity. She is editor-in-chief of the Vanderbilt Law Review. She served in the Army ROTC as an undergraduate at Princeton University, and her legal education has been supported by the Funded Legal Education Program, which sponsors 25 Army officers each year. Read MoreApr. 9, 2020
Kevin Witenoff ’21 selected as American Constitution Society Next Generation Leader
Witenoff has served as president of the VLS chapter of the American Constitution Society during 2019-20. Read MoreApr. 9, 2020
Youth Opportunity Clinic joins emergency petition to free people from Tennessee jails, prisons and detention centers during the COVID-19 outbreak
YOC joins with a coalition of criminal justice advocacy groups urging the Tennessee Supreme Court to release people at high risk of health issues and those at low risk to the community from jails and prisons in response to the coronavirus epidemic. Read MoreApr. 6, 2020
Read John Hasnas’s review of Brian Fitzpatrick’s book, The Conservative Case for Class Actions
John Hasnas, executive director of the Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics, touts The Conservative Case for Class Actions as "a well-constructed, informative, and clearly expressed argument for the value of class action lawsuits." In his review, published in Regulation, Hasnas says Fitzpatrick's book "should appeal to thoughtful readers regardless of prior ideological commitments." Read MoreMar. 27, 2020
Ganesh Sitaraman and co-author Lev Menand propose measures to address economic impact of coronavirus
In a coauthored opinion piece published by The American Prospect, Ganesh Sitaraman and co-author Lev Menand look back at policy choices made during the economic crisis of 2008 to provide insights for navigating the current economic emergency. By examining what worked and what didn’t in response to the 2008 crisis, they suggest, we can reprise successful strategies while avoiding pitfalls. Sitaraman is the author of The Great Democracy, and Menand, an academic fellow and lecturer at Columbia Law School, served as a senior advisor to the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury from 2015-16. Read MoreMar. 22, 2020
Judge Thomas A. Wiseman Jr. ’54 (BA’52) of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee dead at 89
Wiseman was nominated to his seat on the Middle District of Tennessee in 1978 by President Jimmy Carter. He assumed senior status in 1995. Before taking the bench, he served as state treasurer from 1971-71 and in the Tennessee State House of Representatives from 1964-68. Read MoreMar. 21, 2020