Career Services for Employers

Welcome to Vanderbilt Law School Career Services! We are proud to provide a multitude of ways for you to interview, network and interact with our students throughout the year. Please feel free to reach out to Christy Biggs if you have any questions about any of our programs.

career services for employers

2025 Rising 2L Spring Firm Mingle

Thursday, March 27th at the Music City Center in Nashville, TN

Each fall and spring, Vanderbilt Law invites law firms from across the nation to meet our 1L class ahead of the 1L and 2L recruiting cycles. This is an excellent way for firm representatives to meet our students in person, particularly given the virtual nature of interviews. The event is set up like a table talk providing attorneys and recruiting professionals the space to connect with students about their summer associate programs and answer any questions they have. In addition, we provide firms the option of hosting small group dinners in the evenings surrounding Mingle, providing them with a targeted audience and opportunities for more substantive conversation.

  • Registration: January 8th through March 18th
    • To register, login to Symplicity and expand the events tab.
    • Reach out to Christy Biggs with any questions regarding Symplicity or registration.
    • Resume books available March 17th
  • Mingle Dinners: March 26th, 27th and 28th
    • Registration is now open through March 3rd. 
    • Reach out to Michelle Parsons to register.
    • Bid Packets will be sent out by March 11th. 

2026 Winter Virtual Interview Program

  • Registration: November 3rd through December 17th (Dates subject to change.)

    To register, please login to Symplicity >> expand the events tab >> click on Schedule Request >> Request A Schedule and then select the appropriate 'Session' in the dropdown window.

    Dates TBD.

2025 Summer Interview Program

  • Early Application Program
    • March 3rd: Employer registration opens
    • May 26th: Employer registration closes
    • June 5th: Employers to receive application packets
    • June 11th: Selection deadline (for those requesting an interview schedule only)
    • June 16th: Interview invitation deadline (for those not requesting an interview schedule)
    • June 13th: Interview schedules to firms
    • June 17th & 18th: Interview Dates
    • June 30th: Offer decision deadline for ALL participating employers

    Bidding Process: The Early Interview Program will be 100% preselect and open to employers in any market. Employers will have the option of extending interviews by June 16th or requesting our office to build out a schedule. All participating employers must have offer decisions to students participating in EAP by June 30th.

    Registration Fee: Registration Fee is determined by firm size as follows:

    • Less than 150 attorneys: $150
    • 150 – 500 attorneys: $350
    • 501+ attorneys: $600
  • Summer Virtual Interview Program
    • March 3rd: Employer registration opens
    • May 26th: Employer registration closes
    • June 16th: Preselection begins
    • June 23rd: Preselect deadline
    • July 11th: Interview schedules available
    • July 15th, 16th & 17th: Interview Dates

    Bidding Process: Using the employers’ hiring criteria as a guide, students submit ranked bids for on-campus interviews. Their resumes are then made available to the employers for whom they bid. If there are enough slots on the employer’s interview schedule(s) to allow all bidding students to have an interview, all are given interviews.

    If there are not enough slots on the employer’s interview schedule(s) for all bidding students to have an interview, the employer may preselect students to fill 70% of their interview slots. The remaining 30% of the slots are filled by students who submitted the highest ranked bids for that employer.

    If an employer’s hiring criteria includes a required minimum GPA cut-off, the employer is not obligated to interview students who fall below this minimum requirement. Please note that Vanderbilt Law School does not rank students individually in their class and there are no published cumulative percentile rankings. The only mark of distinction published is the Dean’s List. Students who earn a 3.75 GPA or higher, in any semester, receive Dean’s List honors for that semester. Students must complete at least nine letter-graded credits to qualify for the Dean’s List.

    Employers whose interview schedules are not filled by bidding students may get additional candidates through the Open Sign-Up process. This follows the bidding process whereby students are allowed to sign up for open slots on interview schedules after the bidding students have been scheduled for interviews. The same hiring criteria will be posted for these sign-ups as were posted for the initial bidding process. Employers who prefer to limit their interviews to those students who initially submitted bids for them may do so and bypass the Open Sign-Up process by notifying Career Services.

    Registration Fee: No charge

General Information

  • Job Postings

    If you are unable to participate in our interview programs or are looking to receive applications for positions outside of a Summer Associate Program, we invite you to provide information about your employment opportunities or collect resumes from our students and/or recent alumni. Employers may submit a request online through Symplicity . From the homepage, under Shortcuts, click on 'Create Non-OCI Job Posting.' Alternatively, if you're not on Symplicity, contact the Career Services Office at (615) 322-6192 or email Christy Biggs to request a form.

  • Resume Books

    We are pleased to provide you with online access to the resumes of our 2L and 3L students who are currently seeking employment. Through the Resume Book feature in Symplicity, you can connect with students who have agreed to participate in our resume collection program. Based on your search, you can view resumes, print them out, and contact students directly.

    You can access resume books by logging into Symplicity and clicking on the "Resume Packet" tab. If you do not have a Symplicity account, click the "register" tab and provide the information requested. You will receive a welcome email confirming your registration and containing your login information. If you forgot your password, click the "Forgot Password" tab and enter your email address. You will be sent a new password.

    If you have any problems with Symplicity, please email Christy Biggs or call us at (615) 322-6192.

  • Recruiting Guidelines

    Please click here to review our Recruiting Guidelines.

  • Vanderbilt Law Grading Policy

    Vanderbilt Law School does not rank students individually in their class and there are no published cumulative percentile rankings. The only mark of distinction published is the Dean’s List. Students who earn a 3.75 GPA or higher, in any semester, receive Dean’s List honors for that semester. Students must complete at least nine letter-graded credits to qualify for the Dean’s List.

  • Non-Discrimination Policy

    The established policy of the Vanderbilt University Law School is to promote employment of its students and graduates with no discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, or military status. The school's career services facilities are available only to those employers whose practices are consistent with the policy as well as all applicable laws and regulations governing employment discrimination. An employer's use of our services constitutes an agreement to observe the principles of equal opportunity stated in AALS Bylaw 6-4(b).

    The motivation for discrimination is irrelevant; a hiring decision, for example, based on perceived prejudices of an employer's clients is nonetheless discriminatory. In its placement practices, the Vanderbilt University Law School complies with AALS Bylaw 6-4(b):

    • A member school shall pursue a policy of providing its students and graduates with equal opportunity to obtain employment, without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, or military status. A member school shall communicate to each employer to whom it furnishes assistance and facilities for interviewing and other placement functions the school's firm expectation that the employer will observe the principle of equal opportunity. (American Bar Association accreditation standards require similarly non-discriminatory practices.)

    Under the Solomon Amendment, the Law School is required to permit access to the military for recruiting purposes or risk the loss of federal funding. The School recognizes that the military’s recruitment policies are inconsistent with the nondiscrimination policy, and the faculty remains committed to eradicating discrimination.

    All employers participating in on-campus interview programs thereby confirm that their hiring policies are consistent with the nondiscrimination policy of this law school and with AALS Bylaw 6-4(b).

    Beyond this statement of policy, we wish to bring to the attention of interviewers some concerns expressed by students about the interviewing process. During the interviewing process, employers should refrain from soliciting information from students that, if made the basis for denial of employment, would contravene the above stated policy. Also, we urge interviewers to avoid questions or comments that, perhaps unintentionally, suggest discriminatory attitudes. Interviewers are entirely justified in seeking to assess the likely commitment of any student to the practice of law, a type of practice, a geographic location, or the particular employer. We firmly believe, however, that no category of students, particularly women, should be singled out for lines of questioning suggesting that the interviewer doubts any such commitment.

Meet the Team

  • Elizabeth Workman

    Assistant Dean for Career Services

  • Nicholas Alexiou

    Associate Director, Director, LL.M. and Alumni Advising

  • Christy Biggs

    Recruiting & Employer Relations Manager

  • Rachel Kohler

    Associate Director, Government Advisor

  • Michelle Parsons

    Associate Director, Director of Outreach

  • Eleanor Glover

    Administrative Assistant