
  • Vanderbilt University

    John and Meredith B. Cross

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Mar. 14, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Michael Russell ’84 (MA’84)

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Mar. 14, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    John Ryder ’74

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Mar. 14, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Phyllis Fong ’78 and Paul Tellier ’78

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Mar. 14, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Jan Witold Baran ’73

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Mar. 14, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Bob Kabel ’72

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Mar. 14, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Aaron Cooper ’00

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Mar. 14, 2014

  • Owen D. Jones – Interviewed by Alan Alda, on Law and Neuroscience

    Owen D. Jones – Interviewed by Alan Alda, on Law and Neuroscience

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Sep. 18, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Joining the Legal Peace Corps

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Jul. 16, 2013

  • Alumni Fellowships

    Alumni Fellowships

    John and Meredith Cross John J. Cross III ’81 met Meredith Brinegar ’82 at Blackacre on Meredith’s first day of law school. They were engaged at the beginning of her second year and married in Nashville when John graduated. In the three decades that they have been… Read More

    Jul. 16, 2013