Orientation 2024

Welcome J.D. Class of 2027!

Use this website to prepare for your 1L year at Vanderbilt. It contains everything you need to know about orientation, student accounts, housing, financing, and more.

orientation 2024
Section Contents

Orientation 2024: Aug. 17 - Aug 23

Welcome to Vanderbilt Law School!

Student Orientation Week (August 17 - 23) marks the start of your legal education at Vanderbilt. Your first law class, Life of the Law, will introduce you to some foundational concepts that you will encounter throughout your legal education (and beyond).

We aspire to ease you into law school this week, but we want to be clear from the outset that we have very high expectations of you both inside and outside the classroom.  As lawyers, you will be charged with upholding the rule of law and safeguarding our adversarial system of justice.  To carry out this important responsibility, you need to commit as law students to embrace arguments with an open mind; to listen, discuss, and debate in a civil and respectful manner; and to give one another the benefit of the doubt as you discuss and debate some of society’s most vexing and contested issues.

We want each of you to flourish while you are here (and after you leave)! Take good care of yourselves and one another.

Sincere regards,

Chris Guthrie
Dean and John Wade-Kent Syverud Professor of Law

Orientation Schedule

Schedules subject to change, please check back prior to beginning of Orientation.

Life of the Law:
J.D. students will need to know their Co-Counsel Circuit number to follow individualized schedules. All students will be notified of Circuit numbers by early August.

Required Reading: Plain English for Lawyers (7th Edition).



Students are required to sign up for a time slot as part of your Life of the Law participation. Please note your scheduled time on your calendar and arrive on time. Dress is professional. You’re welcome to change for the photo. Day use lockers are available. Please bring a lock if you plan to use one.

Sign Up Here

Saturday, August 17th
4:30pm – 6:00pm North Lobby/Main St.

Welcome Reception

We invite you to join us on Saturday, August 17th to meet and mingle with your new classmates. 

Please complete this survey to provide us with your name as you wish it to appear on your nametag, along with any dietary restrictions.

Additional Orientation Events

  • I'll Take You There: Exploring Nashville's Social Justice Sites

    Sunday, August 18th 10am - 12:30pm
    Meet at Front Lobby of Vanderbilt Law.

    In conjunction with volunteers from the rising 2L and 3L classes, the Law Students for Social Justice Organization, the George Barrett Social Justice Program and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Community are coordinating optional student-led tours during the week of orientation for incoming students. The tours will be based off the guidebook I’ll Take You There: Exploring Nashville’s Social Justice Sites, which all incoming students will receive a copy of, courtesy of Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Community Yesha Yadav. The book provides historical background and context to many frequently-trafficked sites in Nashville and also highlights lesser-known places with histories of significance in struggles for racial and social justice in the city.

    Sign up to join!

  • Justice for All: Public Interest, Pro Bono, and the Law

    Sunday, August 18th
    Flynn Auditorium
    Schedule & Breakout Sessions
    Register here by Monday, August 12

    This optional orientation, hosted by the Public Interest Office, will explore the ways in which lawyers use the law to advance the greater good in society. You will have an opportunity to interact with Vanderbilt Law faculty as well as practicing attorneys who work in areas including civil rights, criminal defense, youth advocacy, immigration, pro bono law firm practice, and access to justice for underrepresented individuals. The schedule and list of breakout sessions can be found here.

    If you are interested in participating in Justice for All, please register here with your contact information and preferences for the breakout sessions. Each participating student will be assigned to a breakout session led by an attorney or faculty member. Please register no later than Monday, August 12.

    If you have any questions about this event, please do not hesitate to contact the Public Interest Program Manager, Erin Parr-Carranza.

  • Financial Planning for Law Students

ONEelevate Leadership Program

Application for 2024 - 2025 cohort is now closed. Students will be contacted soon with application decisions.

ONEelevate is a highly selective leadership training program for Vanderbilt 1L’s. Students will be selected based on demonstrated leadership potential as well as lived experience overcoming adversity (i.e. underrepresented law student, first generation to attend college, or other significant life challenges). View the full ONEelevate program schedule here.

Bootcamp 2024: Friday, August 16, 2024 8am - 4pm - full schedule will be sent to final cohort