Ganesh Sitaraman‘s book, The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution, has won a PROSE Award in the category of Outstanding Work by a Trade Publisher. Prose Awards recognize outstanding professional and scholarly publications in 58 categories.
The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution was released by Alfred A. Knopf in 2017 to immediate acclaim. Economist Angus Deaton’s review of The Crisis of the Middle Class Constitution was featured on the front page of the New York Times Book Review, and the book also received favorable reviews in the Atlantic Monthly and the Washington Independent Review of Books, and was featured in a Washington Post opinion piece by James Pope.
In the book, Sitaraman argues that the growing e growing gulf between the affluent and everyone else is a significant threat to our constitutional democracy. “The founders built the Constitution on the basis of relative economic equality,” he said.
The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution is Sitaraman’s second book. His 2012 book, The Counterinsurgent’s Constitution: Law in the Age of Small Wars, won the 2013 Palmer Civil Liberties Prize.
Sitaraman has been affiliated with Vanderbilt University’s Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions since 2013. He has written chapters for two essay collections to be released in 2018 by Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press, respectively: “Economic Inequality and Constitutional Democracy” in Constitutional Democracy in Crisis?, edited by Mark A. Graber, Sanford Levinson and Mark Tushnet, and “The People Pledge: Campaign Finance Reform without Legal Reform” in Democracy by the People: Reforming Campaign Finance in America, edted by Eugene Mazo and Timothy Kuhner.