Legal Research & Writing Program

Each Vanderbilt Law School first-year J.D. student must complete a two-semester Legal Research and Writing course. Each Vanderbilt Law School L.L.M. student must complete a one-semester Legal Research and Writing course.

The J.D. course is taught in small sections of about 25 students each. The L.L.M. course is taught in one section. Under the leadership of the Director of Legal Research and Writing, a writing instructor and reference librarian teach each section.

  • Legal Writing - Fall Semester

    The fall semester introduces the skills necessary to plan, research, organize and write legal analysis. Students develop and practice these skills through short written assignments that target the discrete aspects of writing a legal analysis. Students end the semester by drafting a full office memorandum to a hypothetical assigning attorney.

  • Legal Writing & Advocacy - Spring Semester

    In the spring semester, first-year J.D. students shift their focus to persuasive writing. Written work may include client letters, motion memoranda, and other types of documents. As in the fall semester, feedback is provided in a variety of ways. Students also participate in mock oral arguments.

  • Research

    The legal research component of the first-year J.D. course introduces students to the legal research methods and sources that form a foundation for legal analysis. Reference librarians provide research instruction. Students learn about and work with a variety of legal research platforms and tools through both graded and ungraded assessments. Research instruction focuses on developing an understanding of various legal primary and secondary sources necessary to conduct efficient and effective legal research.

  • Citation

    Students learn legal citation under the guidance of reference librarians. Instruction focuses on helping students learn to use The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Columbia L. Rev. Ass’n et al. eds., 21st ed. 2020). All assignments submitted in the Legal Research and Writing course are expected to comply with proper Bluebook citation format.