Jennifer Reinganum joins leadership of American Law and Economics Association (ALEA)

Jennifer F. Reinganum has been named the Secretary/Treasurer of the American Law and Economics Association (ALEA), which includes academic and professional economists, practicing lawyers and legal scholars, political scientists, and others who share an interest in the interdisciplinary field of law and economics. Professor Reinganum is the Bronson Ingram Professor of Economics and a professor of law, and is affiliated with the law school's Ph.D. Program in Law and Economics.

Following her one-year term as secretary/treasurer, Professor Reinganum will serve as the association's vice president during the 2011-12 academic year, and then as its president in 2012-13.

Since 1999, the ALEA has published the American Law and Economics Review, a refereed journal.In addition, the ALEA holds an annual two-day meeting each May at which members present papers addressing a wide variety of topics. During Professor Reinganum's term as president in 2012-13, the annual meeting will be held at Vanderbilt.

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