Each fall, a select group of foreign attorneys and international students from nations around the world comes to Vanderbilt Law School for a special academic year of advanced legal study of American legal issues and legal research methods in classes with American law students. Beyond the law school, LL.M. students have access to advice and support from Vanderbilt University's International Students and Scholars Services, which serves the university's thriving international student community. More than that, students in the LL.M. program experience life at a major American research university located in a sophisticated and vibrant city.
Course Track students focus exclusively on course work, choosing their courses from the law school's extensive curriculum. A faculty adviser or a law school administrator will help you tailor your academic program to your career goals and intellectual interests.
Visit the LL.M. Curriculum page for details on coursework.
The Law & Business Track offers full-time, intensive academic and professional training in corporate law, securities regulation, finance, accounting, and the principles of corporate governance. Vanderbilt has a well-established Certificate in Law & Business curriculum within the J.D. Program and is widely known for producing lawyers who understand not only the legal and regulatory environment in which businesses operate, but also understand corporate governance, the principles of finance and accounting, and the economic and financial frameworks of transactions.
Law & Business Track graduates will generally use their training in their home countries to pursue business law careers, as government regulators, or in other international posts that benefit from an excellent understanding of business law and corporate management. Because Law & Business graduates understand how businesses operate, they return to their home countries prepared to work effectively with business executives, managers, and directors to navigate laws and regulations governing business activities.
Thesis Track students complete a substantial research project that culminates in a scholarly paper. You will work closely with a faculty adviser with expertise in your area of study while choosing courses that support your research interests, conducting legal research, and writing a scholarly paper.
Only students with strong English language and writing skills who are capable of extended independent research should choose the Thesis Track option. Thesis Track applicants should have a well-developed research focus and indicate their interest in working closely with one or more Vanderbilt law professors in their applications. You may review the faculty profiles to consider whom you would like to pursue an individualized research program at Vanderbilt.
A large number of Vanderbilt LL.M. students sit for state bar exams every year immediately after they graduate. Academic advisors are available to assist students in tailoring their curriculum to meet their professional goals and interests.
Vanderbilt LL.M. students benefit from an intensive program designed to provide the language and academic skills needed to succeed in a demanding educational program at a top U. S. law school. The program begins with an introductory course at the law school during the summer before your LL.M. courses begin, the Summer English for Legal Purposes (SELP) course. Provided in association with the Vanderbilt University English Language Center, the program includes intensive instruction in oral and written communication, small group discussions and practice responding quickly and concisely in large group discussions.
The format of the Vanderbilt LL.M. program offers considerable exposure to the J.D. program, which Ren transferred into after completing her LL.M.
Emem merged various aspects of the law through coursework into a more comprehensive understanding of the energy industry and its legal capacity.
Bruna Bromfim chose the Vanderbilt LL.M. program because she wanted to deepen her knowledge of corporate law and change the focus of her law practice.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Admissions Office at (+1) 615-322-6452 or email us below.