Meet the Vanderbilt LL.M. Class of 2025

Vanderbilt Law School welcomed its newest LL.M. class to campus in August. These students arrived in Nashville from across the world, with different professional and personal backgrounds and strong records of academic performance.


  • Class Size: 32 students
  • Median Age: 23.5
  • Female Students (% of class): 56%
  • Undergraduate Schools Represented: 24

Undergraduate Schools

  • Beijing Technology and Business University
  • Beijing University of International Relations
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • Capital University of Economics and Business
  • Dalian Maritime University
  • EAFIT University, Colombia
  • East China University of Political Science and Law
  • Jinan University
  • Linyi University, China
  • Minzu University of China
  • Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
  • Peking University
  • Shandong University
  • Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
  • Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
  • Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
  • South China Normal University
  • Southwest University of Political Science and Law
  • Universidad Catolica Santa Maria la Antigua, Panama
  • Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico
  • University College, Dublin
  • University of Padua, Italy
  • Zhejiang University City College
  • Zhengzhou University

Positions and Companies / Firms Represented (Partial List)

  • Legal Counsel and Corporate Legal Director, Cementos Argos S.A.
  • Associate, DAT Consultores
  • General Manager, Chief Legal Advisor, Changwant Zhuhai Asset Management Company
  • Legal Director, Tansun Technology Ltd.
  • Legal Compliance Officer, eTranzact International PLC
  • Legal Assistant, Galindo, Arias & Lopez
  • Legal Assistant, Zhong Lun Law Firm
  • Legal Consultant, Realgrid Europe

To learn more about the Class of 2025, visit our LL.M class profile page.