Student News

Vanderbilt Law School Commencement 2024

Vanderbilt Law School celebrated Commencement Day for the Class of 2024 on May 10. Gathered on Curry Field, 165 students were awarded their Juris Doctor degree, and 25 students were awarded a Master of Laws degree.

Student News

2024 Government and Nonprofit Summer Internships

This summer, 73 students are working for legal employers in 14 states, Washington, D.C., and for legal nonprofits internationally. 

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Program News

VPOPP’s Launch Event on Prosecution in the South

Prosecutors, advocates, and academics recently gathered at Vanderbilt Law School for a summit on “Prosecution in the South.”

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Vanderbilt Policy Accelerator

Vanderbilt Law Students Craft Guide on Public Grocery Stores

The guide is the first published paper to come out of the Political Economy and Regulation Policy Lab and was published by the VPA.

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Research News

How Zoning Affects Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In his paper “Climate Zoning,” Christopher Serkin, Elisabeth H. & Granville S. Ridley Jr. Chair in Law at Vanderbilt Law School, advocates for a situational approach where local governments consider their specific environmental and economic circumstances.

Media Inquiries

For media-related inquiries please contact Nate Luce, Assistant Dean, Marketing & Communications, to speak with a member of the faculty or administration.