Rescheduling Marijuana Won’t Save the Marijuana Industry

Marijuana Law expert Robert Mikos argues in a new paper, “The False Promise of Rescheduling,” forthcoming in the Tulsa Law Review, rescheduling will not save the marijuana industry from many of the challenges it faces today. 

Faculty Awards

Six Vanderbilt Law Professors Honored with Hall-Hartman Awards

Six Vanderbilt Law professors were honored with Hall-Hartman Awards for Outstanding Teaching from the Vanderbilt Bar Association.

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Vanderbilt Policy Accelerator

VPA and History Department Examine How the New Deal Was Run

“How The New Deal Was Run,” was a conference about the implementation of the programs that transformed American life.

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Faculty Awards

Faculty Honored for Teaching and Mentoring at Spring Assembly

Awards were presented to 10 faculty members who made a significant impact through scholarship, research, teaching or mentoring.

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Faculty Podcasts

Edward Cheng's Excited Utterance Podcast

Excited Utterance is a podcast focusing on scholarship on evidence law and proof.  The podcast aims to provide a weekly virtual workshop in the world of evidence throughout the academic year. More broadly, the podcast has four goals:

1) distribute evidence scholarship to a broader audience;
2) provide a biweekly forum on evidence scholarship;
3) demonstrate a new, more efficient medium for academic discourse; and
4) serve a democratizing function in the legal academy.

The US is losing wetlands at an accelerating rate − here’s how the private sector can help protect these valuable resources

In a forthcoming issue of the Minnesota Law Review, Vanderbilt Environmental Law scholars explore how private environmental governance can protect wetlands using private agreements, certifications and other practices such as monitoring and dispute resolution to foster sustainability.

Faculty in the News

SSRN Research Paper Series

Hall-Hartman Awards

Each year, several Vanderbilt Law professors are honored with Hall-Hartman Awards for outstanding teaching during the previous academic year. The awards recognize faculty whose teaching is deemed outstanding in each of the three first-year student sections and for large and small upper-level elective courses and are based on the results of a student poll conducted by the Vanderbilt Bar Association.

Media Inquiries

For media-related inquiries please contact Nate Luce, Assistant Dean, Marketing & Communications, to speak with a member of the faculty or administration.