Mendoza Lopez

Fernando Mendoza Lopez

Sixth-year student,
Vanderbilt Law and Economics Scholar

M.A., Economics, The University of Texas-Austin, 2018
M.A., International Trade and Finance, Yonsei University, 2008
B.A., Economics, Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2005

Dissertation: “Barriers to Entry for Women and Minority Owned Businesses in
Government Contracting”
Dissertation Committee: Joni Hersch (Chair), Steven L. Schooner (George
Washington University Law School), Kevin M. Stack, and W. Kip Viscusi

“Socioeconomic Policies in Public Procurement: What Should We be Asking of Public
Procurement Systems?” with Joni Hersch, University of Memphis Law Review 52 (1), Fall 2022, 155–198.

“Estimating Years of Education Using the Current Population Survey after 2014,” with Joni Hersch and Jennifer Bennett Shinall, Economics Letters 189, April 2020.

From Saltillo, Mexico