Private Climate Governance Lab earns First Runner Up in Vanderbilt Data Science Institute’s Fall 2024 AI Showcase

Vanderbilt Law School’s Private Climate Governance Lab finished second in the Data Science Institute’s (DSI) Fall 2024 AI Showcase.

The showcase featured 16 innovative projects through an exhibition-style format, allowing attendees to engage directly with demonstrations and interact with student innovators. The Lab’s project, “AI-Driven Assessments of Trends in Climate Policy,” featured a web application built to assist the public and private sector with climate policy development.

Built in collaboration with DSI, the application synthesizes dozens of local adaptation plans to characterize, identify shortcomings, and highlight strengths in climate change adaptation planning.  It allows users to enter custom prompts for shorter use time, increased information sharing, and improved comprehensiveness. The application is designed for city planners and researchers, as well as private actors interested in developing their own initiatives.

Team members include:

  • Project Lead: Umang Chaudhry
  • Principal Investigator: Dr. JB Ruhl
  • Project Manager: Isabella Urquia
  • Contributors: Ethan Thorpe, Mariah Caballero, Xuanxuan Chen, Aparna Lakshmi, Harmony Wang

The Lab plans to continue developing the application this spring by incorporating new data sources, company mitigation plans, and interactive data stories.

The Private Climate Governance Lab is part of Vanderbilt Law School’s Energy, Environmental & Land Use Program (EELU). The Lab seeks to expand EELU’s leadership in the area of Private Environmental Governance (PEG): private-sector agreements, standards, and practices to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impacts.