A Tradition of Excellence

While the members of the Class of 2027 comprise a diverse set of backgrounds and experiences, they share a common bond of academic excellence. As the following statistics indicate, they excelled in their undergraduate studies and show outstanding promise for law studies.

  • 160


  • 59%

    female students

  • 37%

    students of color

  • 23

    median age

  • 90

    undergraduate schools represented

  • 32

    states, as well as D.C., Canada, Guam, and United Kingdom

75th percentile GPA:3.94
Median GPA:3.89
25th percentile GPA:3.66
75th percentile LSAT:170
Median LSAT: 169
25th percentile LSAT:163

Experience Counts

The majority of the Class of 2027 graduated college at least one year before entering Vanderbilt Law School; 45% were age 24 to 31 at entry. Collectively, the members of the class bring a wealth of experience in a variety of areas. Their backgrounds include business, science, education, technology, service, public policy, and graduate training in a number of fields.

Class of 2027 Snapshot

  • Colleges attended:

    American UniversityArizona State UniversityAuburn University
    Baldwin Wallace UniversityBarnard College - Columbia UniversityBaruch College - CUNY
    Bates CollegeBaylor UniversityBoston College
    Boston UniversityBrandeis UniversityBrown University
    Campbell UniversityCarnegie Mellon UniversityCase Western Reserve University
    Clark UniversityColgate UniversityCollege of William & Mary
    Columbia UniversityCornell UniversityDavidson College
    Drexel UniversityEmory UniversityFlorida Atlantic University
    Florida State UniversityFordham UniversityFurman University
    George Washington UniversityGeorgetown UniversityGeorgia Institute of Technology
    Georgia State UniversityHarding UniversityHarvard University
    Howard UniversityIndiana State UniversityJohns Hopkins University
    Kansas State UniversityLake Forest CollegeMiami University (Ohio)
    Middlebury CollegeMississippi CollegeNew York University
    Northwestern UniversityOhio State UniversityOklahoma State University
    Purdue UniversitySaint Louis UniversitySewanee: The University of the South
    Southwestern UniversitySpelman CollegeStanford University
    Texas A&M UniversityUnited States Air Force AcademyUnited States Military Academy
    University of AlabamaUniversity of California - BerkeleyUniversity of California - Davis
    University of California - Los AngelesUniversity of FloridaUniversity of Georgia
    University of IllinoisUniversity of KentuckyUniversity of Maryland
    University of MiamiUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Mississippi
    University of MissouriUniversity of NebraskaUniversity of North Carolina
    University of Notre DameUniversity of OklahomaUniversity of Oxford (UK)
    University of PennsylvaniaUniversity of PittsburghUniversity of South Carolina
    University of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of TampaUniversity of Tennessee: Martin
    University of TexasUniversity of Western OntarioUniversity of Wisconsin
    Vanderbilt UniversityWake Forest UniversityWellesley College
    Wesleyan UniversityWheaton College (Illinois)William Jewell College
    Williams CollegeXavier University of LouisianaYale University

  • Law firm and in-house counsel experience:

    Anderson, SCAnn Arbor, MIAthens, GA
    Atlanta, GAAustin, TXAvery Island, LA
    Brentwood, TNBryan, TXBurbank, CA
    Cape Coral, FLChicago, ILCollinsville, CT
    Dayton, OHDobbs Ferry, NYDripping Springs, TX
    Ft. Lauderdale, FLGainesville, FLGlen Burnie, MD
    Grand Rapids, MIGuamHinesville, GA
    Hollywood, FLHouston, TXLondon, United Kingdom
    Los Angeles, CAMiami, FLMineola, NY
    Nashville, TNNew York, NYOmaha, NE
    Orlando, FLOxford, MSPhoenix, AZ
    Pittsburgh, PAPortland, MERiyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Royal Oak, MISacramento, CASan Diego, CA
    San Francisco, CASouthfield, MIStillwater, OK
    Terre Haute, INTulsa, OKWashington, DC
    West Bloomfield, MIWinter Park, FL

  • Government, prosecutor, public defender, court, and municipal experience:

    13th Judicial Circuit of Florida29th Judicial District Court of LouisianaArizona Secretary of State
    Beauregard Clerk of Court (LA)Beauregard Parish District Attorney's Office (LA)Boone County State's Attorney's Office (IL)
    Boston Mayor's Office of Policy & PlanningCalifornia Attorney General's OfficeCalifornia State Senate
    Carroll County Attorney's Office (ME)City of Ann ArborCity of St. Louis
    City of Toledo MayorCobb County Solicitor General's Office (GA)Connecticut Division of Public Defender Services
    Connecticut Superior CourtCumberland County District Attorney's Office (ME)Davidson County Juvenile Court
    Federal Defenders of New YorkFederal Reserve Board of GovernorsFulton County District Attorney's Office (GA)
    Georgia Office of State Administrative HearingsGovernment of Pakistan Capital Administration & Development DivisionHays County Clerk's Office (TX)
    Human Rights Defender's Office (Armenia)Indiana House of RepresentativesLake County Public Defender's Office (IL)
    Library of CongressLos Angeles City Attorney's OfficeMassachusetts Committee for Public Counsel Services
    McHenry County State's Attorney's OfficeMetropolitan Public Health Department of NashvilleMissouri Senate
    Nashville Metro Office of Family SafetyNew York State Commission on Judicial ConductNorth Carolina Court of Appeals
    Office of State Attorney for Florida's 15th Judicial CircuitOffice of the Attorney General for the District of ColumbiaOffice of the Tennessee Governor
    Ohio Public Defender's OfficePalm Beach County Supervisor of ElectionsPennsylvania Office of Attorney General
    San Antonio Metro Health DepartmentSt. Louis Circuit Attorney's OfficeSuperior Court of Pennsylvania
    Texas House of RepresentativesU.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New YorkU.S. Department of Justice
    U.S. District Court for the District of MassachusettsU.S. District Court for the Northern District of TexasU.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio
    U.S. General Services AdministrationU.S. House of RepresentativesU.S. Senate
    U.S. State DepartmentUnion County Prosecutor's Office (NJ)Washtenaw County Trial Court (MI)
    Wisconsin Governor's Office

  • Public interest, non-profit, and NGO experience:

    African Community Learning ProgramAmerican Civil Liberties UnionBargard Organization NGO
    Battered Women's Justice ProjectBazelon Center for Mental Health LawBoston Center for Mental Health Law
    Center for Alternative Sentences & Employment ServicesChild Advocacy Center of GainesvilleChildren of Prisoners Europe
    Children's Defense FundChildren's Law CenterClose Up Foundation
    Communities for PeopleCommunity of Hope Clinic & NonprofitCouncil on American-Islamic Relations
    Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)Crossroads FoundationEast Bay Sanctuary Covenant
    Family Abuse CenterForeign Policy AssociationHabitat for Humanity
    Integrated Refugee & Immigrant ServicesInternational Detention CoalitionInternational Rescue Committee
    Jewish Vocational ServiceKansas Action for ChilrenKC Digital Drive
    Lafayette Urban Ministry Immigration ClinicmEducation AllianceMontgomery County Family Justice Center
    National Alliance on Mental IllnessNational Bureau of Asian ResearchNational Institute for Civil Discourse
    Neighbors LinkOne Hope TulsaReform Alliance
    Response Crisis CenterRio Ferdinand FoundationSave the Children Federation
    Southern Poverty Law CenterTennessee Justice CenterThe Bail Project
    The Borgen ProjectU.S. Sustainable Investment ForumUnited Nations Refugee Agency
    Vote Smart

  • Where they have lived, worked, and studied:

    Hong KongIrelandIsrael
    PortugalRussiaSaudi Arabia
    South KoreaSpainSweden
    TaiwanUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom

  • Languages spoken:

    GujaratiHaitian KreyolHebrew

  • Special interests and hobbies:

    Ballet DancerBossa Nova EnthuasiastCollegiate Baseball Player
    Collegiate CheerleaderCollegiate Cross Country CompetitorCollegiate Football Player
    Collegiate Rowing Team Member (4)Collegiate Soccer PlayerCollegiate Softball Player
    Collegiate Track & Field Team Member (3)Collegiate Volleyball Player (2)Dizi (Bamboo Flute) Player
    Double Bass PlayerEagle ScoutEmergency Medical Technician
    EngineerFigure SkaterFly Fisherman
    Freelance ArtistHip Hop DancerIce Cream Maker
    Improv/Sketch Comedy PerformerIndonesian Gamelan Drum PlayerJeopardy! National College Championship Contestant
    Karate InstructorLittle League Baseball UmpireMarathoner (2)
    Miss South CarolinaMixologistMosaic Artist
    Musical Theatre ActressNational Anthem SingerParachutist
    Pilates InstructorSongwriterSpelunker
    Taekwondo ChampionTeacherTrapeze Artist
    TriathleteTrivia HostU.S. Air Force (2)
    U.S. Army (4)U.S. Navy (2)Wakeboarder
    Water Polo PlayerWoodworker