The only Vanderbilt Law journal with an explicit social justice mission, the Vanderbilt Social Justice Reporter (“VSJR”) is envisioned as a national go-to resource for social justice-oriented scholars, practitioners, students, and community members, with content spanning intersectional issues of law and social equity.
12:10 PM CST Flynn Auditorium
Vanderbilt Social Justice Reporter (SJR) invites you to a conversation with Professor Kyle Velte about transgender athlete participation in middle school, high school, and college sports!
Professor Velte will discuss her testimony before the Kansas legislature, the harms of exclusion, the science behind transition, and Bostock. She will also discuss her article, “Sex Ed for Judges,” which analyzes the hurdles attorneys face to overcome a judge’s preconceived notions about transition and how it affects an individual’s body and abilities.
A 2-part event focused on the legacy of voting rights in the South, its current state of affairs, and strategies for ensuring a full and unequivocal right to a fair vote for Black and Brown residents.
The Social Justice Reporter's inaugural symposium explored how capitalism and the carceral systems intertwine, perpetuate inequalities, and shape the personal experiences of individuals and communities.