Climate Change at Vanderbilt Law

climate Change at VU

Our Impact

Climate change is an existential, polarizing, and pressing challenge for society-at-large. Our faculty, which consistently rank among the top in the nation in environmental law, rise to this challenge with interdisciplinary and policy-relevant scholarship that addresses the legal, economic, and societal implications of climate change. Through programs, organizations, and uniquely designed publications, our students engage with the latest thought leadership on the subject, graduating with the knowledge and skills needed to make an impact in the private and public sectors.

Faculty Publications

In their recently published book, Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change, Michael Vandenbergh and co-author Jonathan M. Gilligan, associate professor of earth and environmental science, make the case for how the private sector and businesses can fill the environmental gap. Vandenbergh and Gilligan point to numerous ways private-sector companies can benefit by taking environmentally friendly actions.

Student Scholarship

Scholarship Spotlight

Microgrids: Legal Opportunities and Barriers in Tennessee

Authored by Caroline Cox and Victoria Schmit, "Microgrids: Legal Opportunities and Barriers in Tennessee" lays out the challenges to microgrids presented by the current legal and regulatory landscape and offers policy recommendations to encourage microgrid adoption.

Scholarship Spotlight

The TVA Effect: Clean Energy Goals in the TVA Fence Line

Authored by Caroline Cox and 2023 EELU Fellow Madeline Flynn ’23, "The TVA Effect: Clean Energy Goals in the TVA Fence Line" explains that, in the case of TVA, the government-owned company may be making it harder for local public power companies to transition to clean energy. 

Climate at Vanderbilt

Climate at Vanderbilt

The Climate at Vanderbilt podcast reports on faculty, students, research, and programs at Vanderbilt University focused on climate change. Faculty at Vanderbilt conducting research on climate change come from a broad array of disciplines, including engineering, public health and medicine, earth sciences, religious studies, law, biological sciences, history, business, and anthropology. Vanderbilt also offers an innovative undergraduate major in climate studies. Listen to this podcast to learn more about how Vanderbilt is working on the challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

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Interdisciplinary Center

Climate Change Research Network

The Climate Change Research Network includes a team conducting theoretical and applied research on one of the most important and most widely overlooked sources of greenhouse gases: individual and household behavior.

Recent Events

Vanderbilt Law Hosts Second Annual State of the Environment Conference on Environmental Issues Affecting the Southeast

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ELPAR’s 2024 Nashville Conference Explores the Bankruptcy Code’s Implications for Climate Change Mitigation

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GE Chief Sustainability Officer Roger Martella ’95 Calls for Action in 2023 Climate Change Governance Lecture

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EELU Sponsors “Climate Change and the Law in 2023,” Featuring Government, Nonprofit, and Private-Sector Attorneys

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Environmental Law Faculty

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