Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law Spring 2013 Issue (Volume 15, Issue 3) Released

The Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law has published its newest issue (Volume 15, Issue 3). Volume 15, Issue 1 and Volume 15, Issue 2 are also available online.

Hard copies of the journal should be available late March. The articles and notes included in this issue are:


Nathaniel Grow, “Decertifying Players Unions: Lessons from the NFL and NBA Lockouts of 2011,” 15 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology 473 (2013)

Mary LaFrance, “The Disappearing Fourth Wall: Law, Ethics, and Experiential Theatre,” 15 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology 507 (2013)

John S. (Jack) Wroldsen, “The Social Network and the Crowdfund Act: Zuckerberg, Saverin, and Venture Capitalists’ Dilution of the Crowd,” 15 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology 583 (2013)


R. Collins Kilgore, “Sneering at the Law: An Argument for Punitive Damages in Copyright,” 15 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology 637 (2013)

Katharine N. Skinner, “Restituting Nazi-Looted Art: Domestic, Legislative, and Binding Intervention to Balance the Interests of Victims and Museums,” 15Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology 673 (2013)

Timothy J. Van Hal, “Taming the Golden Goose: Private Companies, Consumer Geolocation Data, and the Need for a Class Action Regime for Privacy Protection,” 15 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology 713 (2013)

JETLaw is currently accepting article submissions for consideration, as well as guest blog posts on

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