VLS ranks 7th in Lawyers of Color 2022 listing of 65 Best Law Schools for Black Students

Vanderbilt Law School ranked seventh of 66 law schools in a listing of The Top 65 Law Schools for Black Students published by Lawyers of Color, a nonprofit that publishes annual rankings of law students and legal employers.

Read Lawyers of Color’s description of its 2022 Rankings of Top Law Schools for Black Students.

To arrive at the ranking, Lawyers of Color considers law schools’ performance in several categories, including the number of J.D.s awarded to black students, the school’s placement of graduates in jobs for which a J.D. is required job, graduates’ bar passage rate, placement of students as Big Law associates, black student enrollment, the number of federal and state clerkships secured by students, distinguished black alumni, grants and scholarship awards, selectivity and tuition cost. Sixty-six law schools were included in the list, which includes two schools that tied.

Lawyers of Color is a nonprofit organization that promotes diversity in the legal profession and seeks to advance democracy and equality in marginalized communities. The organization publishes the Black Student’s Guide to Law Schools & Firms.

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