Wayne Hyatt '68 (BA'65) receives Frederick S. Lane Award from the American College of Real Estate Lawyers

Wayne Hyatt Class of 1968 (BA'65)Wayne S. Hyatt ’68 (B.A.’65), a founding partner of the Atlanta firm of Hyatt & Stubblefield, has been awarded the American College of Real Estate Lawyers’ Frederick S. Lane Award. Hyatt is the eighth recipient of the prestigious award in the ACREL’s 35-year history.

“The Frederick Lane Award is the highest honor the college can bestow,” said ACREL President Jonathan R. Shils. “The Lane Award has previously been given only seven times since the college was founded in 1978 to honor the career contributions of distinguished real estate lawyers who have selflessly served the profession, the college and their community. In honoring Wayne Hyatt with the Lane Award, the college affirms these values by recognizing such a worthy recipient with this accolade from his peers.”

Hyatt served as president of ACREL in 2004. His prior service to the organization included terms as vice president, secretary and member of its board of governors; chair of the Bylaws, Common Interest Ownership and Affordable Housing committees; and membership and leadership participation in more than a dozen committees. He was the driving force behind establishing ACREL Cares, the organization’s community service program. He also served as a governor and past chair of the Anglo-American Real Property Institute.

Hyatt endowed the law school’s Hyatt Student Activities Fund, which provides grants to student organizations to bring in outside speakers, and he periodically returns to lecture on legal ethics to first-year law students.

ACREL was founded in 1978 as a non-profit organization of lawyers who have gained distinction in the practice of real estate law. The group devotes its efforts to improving the practice of real estate law around the country, and it has become the nation’s most prestigious peer-selected organization for practicing real estate lawyers. Admission to ACREL is by invitation only.

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