The Office of Student Life

Academic Success

Academic Success guides students in developing the skills and processes necessary to excel in the rigorous endeavors of law school and law practice. The Director runs a program of workshops and small group series and meets with students individually.

In addition, students work with the Director to provide peer academic support through the Academic Success Fellows program, gaining leadership experience while strengthening the culture of collaboration and civil engagement at Vanderbilt Law.

Programs and Services

  • Workshops

    Academic workshops are designed to teach students the skills required to navigate the unique world of legal education. The topics include critical reading, time management, outlining, issue spotting, and exam writing.

  • Small Group Series

    Students in groups of typically of five to six meet with the Director over the course of a month for a series of lessons and exercises intended to stoke personal reflection and meaningful intellectual development. For example, in the Productivity Lab, students experiment with improving focus and efficiency, which directly impact performance in the law school setting.

  • Individual Academic Strategy Sessions

    The Director meets by appointment with students individually to help students develop academic strategies to address the variety of challenges that may arise throughout their time at Vanderbilt Law.

Academic Success Fellows

The Academic Success Fellows program provides peer academic support to all law students, through open office hours and other events to encourage academic accomplishment. The Fellows work with the Director to develop a sound approach to academic advising.

Meet the Team

  • Meg Phillips

    Director, Student Services

    Pronouns: She | Her | Hers


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